Stay motivated to achieve your goals

The key to achieving almost anything in life is to show up and get things done. As long as you do both, you will eventually reach your goal.


But staying motivated is no easy feat. It is a two-fold problem. On one hand, you need encouragement and support. On the other hand, you need to see progress. If you're stuck for a long time with the same problem, you will inevitably lose motivation.

mentor addresses these by creating actionable plans that make it very easy for you to get started. Each goal is broken down into tasks, enabling you to tackle them one step at a time. As you start completing tasks and making progress toward your goal, the big objective begins to look much more achievable!


To measure how effective you are at showing up and getting stuff done, we created Streaks. You can see your scores in the app by clicking the Streaks icon in the menu bar. What's your current streak?

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